Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about toxic mold

Change Is Coming (Faster Than I Expected)

Well, things happen in waves, right?Terri had a doctor appointment today ... from her body (here's Terri's post on that), so even if it's NOT toxic black mold, her body is being adversely affected by all the mold in our house. And if it IS toxic black mold (we're getting it tested [more...]

Date: 2008-11-06 03:39:00

Blog posts (35) | Videos (9)

Toxic Mold Remediation

If your serious about stopping mold and mildew from spreading all over your house, make sure your home is set up to get rain water away quickly ... Mold Remediation. So if your house get the problem like it, do not hestitate to contact them early ... . Have your gutters cleaned regularly. But if it not enough you can take this way. mainly mold [more...]

Date: 2008-10-24 16:44:48

Things you should know about Wholesale cleaning products

Almost all new home owners have experienced that brand new house fragrance ... while using these toxic black mold cleaner. Could you believe that rust remover can get ris ... in their home are using these natural mold remover are the best way to remove toxic mold from their home to make [more...]

Date: 2008-12-27 19:33:48

Toxic Housing

Toxic Housing "Black Mold" is a term commonly used to describe a slimy, greenish-black substance which can result in serious... [more...]

Date: 2008-12-28 14:23:41

Black Mold, all-u-can-eat bacon & Condescending Lies

Unemployment, losing our dream house, homelessness, bed rest and birth of our fifth baby and death in the family ... , remember? The other shoe fell. We evacuated our rental house. Why you ask? Well, hold your sides, get ready to laugh.....wait for it....wait........Toxic 'Black' Mold is infesting the house. So, after [more...]

Date: 2008-09-14 05:59:24

See Liver Cancer Symptoms and Treatments

More info… CLICK http://medicalinfodirectories.com/cancer/livercancer/ Liver Cancer discussion on symptoms and treatment. Transplant, etc ... /moldtoxicblackmildewtestingremovalremediationabatementallergyillness Toxic black mold and mildew testing in the house ... how to get rid of spores growth is by cleaning your food well. Kill it before it kills [more...]

Date: 2008-09-21 07:09:58

Saving mother earth by using Black mold cleaners

When purchasing a new house one of the best things about it is having that smell of a new home when you walk in ... that are turning some heads as well. Many people experience mold growth in their home and now are finding out that these toxic black mold cleaner are destroying their mold problem without posing any threat [more...]

Date: 2008-12-25 15:49:09

How to Get Rid of Mold

by Lee Dobbins The living organism known as mold has been around for millions of years and plenty of time and money has been spent learning how to ... . There are a few varieties of mold that can be considered toxic and may be dangerous to humans ... and then vacuum off. Having mold forming in your house or apartment can become quite a serious problem [more...]

Date: 2008-10-11 07:35:33

Chronicles Of Depression 2.0: #123

Ed McMahon talks about possible home foreclosure McMahon, ... , received a $7.2 million settlement after a toxic mold spread through his house and led to the death of their dog in 2001. With legal fees and construction costs of fixing the mold problem, the money [more...]

Date: 2008-06-06 19:45:16

Things you should know about Mold cleaner

Almost all new home owners have experienced that brand new house fragrance ... that we don't have to destroy the environment while using these toxic black mold cleaners. Could you believe ... in there home and seeing natural cleaning products are the best way to remove toxic mold from their home [more...]

Date: 2008-12-30 15:51:39

Elsewhere on the Ecosphere…

Here are today’s picks for what’s wow in green. Enjoy! How to green your PB&J! Bush may do some good for the planet? Say no to toxic mold. LA half-way house goes vertical. EPA violates their own Clean Air Act? [more...]

Date: 2008-08-27 18:00:38

The magical benefits of Household cleaning products

Almost all new home owners have experienced that brand new house fragrance ... out that these natural mold remover are taking care of black mold without endangering other members of the family ... that they are not hurting mother earth while using these toxic black mold cleaners. Would you ever [more...]

Date: 2008-12-02 19:10:00

Fix that Wet Basement to Prevent Mold and Other Harmful Effects

Why Fix Your Wet Basement? There are a number of important reasons why! The most important reason is your family’s health! Wet basements and crawlspaces are a breeding ground for bugs, toxic mold bacteria, odors, air-born ... 0% In-House Financing Available Free Basement Inspections Life of the Structure Warranty Mold Remediati [more...]

Date: 2008-10-14 12:11:36

remodeling bathroom for a healthy and clean home

After living in this house for coming nine years, we feel that it’s about time to remodel our bathroom ... , there are other types of mold that are considered toxic. Unfortunately, due to the moisture that can be found inside most bathrooms, black, toxic mold can be found in thousands of bathrooms [more...]

Date: 2008-06-26 09:54:14


Crawlspace Before Introducing a two part series on saving on heating and cooling your home by fixing your crawl space ... is breathing that damp, filthy (sometimes even toxic) crawl space air with all its airborne mold spores ... . Our last house had a crawl space under the living room that was a headache for me. My solution [more...]

Date: 2008-07-14 00:22:01

serious cleaning, and a new sweater

Happy Labor Day weekend! We've been laboring -- we spent 7 hours cleaning the house yesterday ... is scrubbing the sump pump as I type. He's afraid that the mold on it is toxic, and has asked me repeatedly ... of the mold. (I wasn't, but of course now I am!)Dude, I don't plan to clean like this again [more...]

Date: 2008-08-31 15:54:00

We might loose a battle but not the war

A) I honestly think and very much hope that it will go west and miss NOLA completely B) We are ready this time ... , it should not be more than a foot inside of the house. I can deal with a foot of stinky, toxic mold [more...]

Date: 2008-08-30 02:24:16


It's been a few days since I've posted - I've just been laying low as far as the blogging goes, taking some time. I miss Jan ... in the house is unbreathable. Toxic, even, and none of the windows have screens (they were never open!) Jan ... , and you have a recipe for an incredibly cluttered house that may be unsalvegable. We think there's black mold [more...]

Date: 2008-10-13 00:18:35

Welcome to GIANTmicrobes! The PERFECT Gift For The Nerd Or Hypochondriac In Your Life

Welcome to GIANTmicrobes! We make stuffed animals that look like tiny microbes—only a million times actual size! ... Box, Coffee Mug,T-Shirts, Keychain Infirmaries Staph, Pneumonia, Chicken Pox, MRSA, Toxic Mold ... , Fat Cell, Red Blood Cell, White Blood Cell Aerials House Fly, Mosquito Menageries Heartworm [more...]

Date: 2008-07-18 19:58:14

Ed McMahon Faces Foreclosure

It looks like Ed McMahon faces foreclosure on his 7,013-square-foot Beverly Hills home. Countrywide Financial Corp ... once flooded and subsequently filled with toxic mold. He insists that they gutted the place and got rid of any mold. But that may explain why buyers are avoiding the house, no matter how much [more...]

Date: 2008-06-07 02:48:19

Buying a house that needs repairs

Before you make an offer on that home of your dreams, it’s important to protect yourself. Most homes in the U.S. are safe ... and is free of dangerous levels of radon, toxic mold, asbestos fibers, lead-based paint or other hazards ... . Some, however, can be hazardous to your health. The house you have your eye on may have dangerous [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 07:30:11

Market Update

Via the Deviant Behavior blog (h/t to Tom) … . Dear Henry Paulson, Isn’t this bailout just one big subprime mortgage? ... and greed and toxic mold that used to be the US economy is left to the nation’s workers to rebuild ... in the bathroom of a plush Wall Street bar. Aren’t you just asking us to insure your fragile house of cards [more...]

Date: 2008-09-24 16:02:34

Tying Up Some Loose Ends

Ok. A few of you need closure regarding the Iron Free Motel Stay. And that is Motel with an M, not an H. Just in case you hadn't figured that out ... out the moisture in the air. They dumped a gallon. Which screams "Toxic Mold" loud and clear ... you all for the encouraging comments and emails yesterday. I am feeling better about the house. God [more...]

Date: 2008-06-25 05:01:03

Serious information about Black mold cleaners

Almost all new home owners have experienced that brand new house fragrance ... cleaning products. Could you believe that rust removers can destroy rust without using toxic ... as well. Now people that have mold problems in their home are using these mold cleaner are taking care [more...]

Date: 2008-12-05 15:33:52

Welcome to GIANTmicrobes! The PERFECT Gift For The Nerd Or Hypochondriac In Your Life

Welcome to GIANTmicrobes! We make stuffed animals that look like tiny microbes—only a million times actual size! ... , Pneumonia, Chicken Pox, MRSA, Toxic Mold GIANTmicrobes® PROFESSIONAL ... Corporeals Brain Cell, Fat Cell, Red Blood Cell, White Blood Cell Aerials House Fly [more...]

Date: 2008-07-18 19:56:28

Up to Your Ankles in Water? Call Water Restoration 911

Not long after I bought this house, I went downstairs after a bath to find that my kitchen was flooded ... on your furniture; it can eventually cause mold to grow, including the toxic type. To minimize the damage ... smell wasn't a lot worse. If you have ever had a pipe burst, seen your house flood during a storm [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 20:40:02

Ed McMahon's Formula For Not Losing Your House: Avoid Profligacy, Divorces, Debts

Ed McMahon's formula for avoiding foreclosure: Don't get divorced a few times, don't borrow $4 ... in a settlement in 2001 after toxic mold killed his dog. But he's still broke. On Larry King the other ... McMahon owes $4.8 million on his Beverly Hills house, which he's had trouble selling in part because [more...]

Date: 2008-06-08 20:44:00

Tips for Green Homeowners

Tips for Green Homeowners If you want to be a green homeowner, ... nicer to live in a home where there are no toxic fumes or other issues to worry about. Most people don ... . Then they find that their old houses were making them sick with mold and nasty fumes everywhere. Ecological [more...]

Date: 2008-09-05 02:12:58

The positives of using Non toxic cleaning products

Being able to sign the contract on a new home is a wonderful feeling. One of the best reasons to buy a new house is to start new memories ... black mold cleaner. Could you believe that rust removal could remove rust without using any type ... to everyones favorites as well. There are a lot of home owners who now have a mold problem [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 15:26:50

Edwin Howell on "Guerrilla’s Merger into Army? : Unfortunate!"

cyr9obzpa47he5n9 Palladium Wedding Rings http://2.lklyqd.com/1 Houses For Sale Phoenix http://4.ppegzcboz.com/6 Harman Kardon Dpr 1005 A V Reciever http://7.yophyytqm.com/7 What Does Toxic Black Mold ... Theories Of Psychosocial Development http://0.idarqfhby.com/32 Black Snake Moan Clips http [more...]

Date: 2008-12-19 01:03:08

HOW-TO: Detox Your Home

Who knew that the everyday products we use to keep our homes spic and span, could be harming us? According to Jana at care2 ... in the pan can breed mold and other bacteria. READ MORE. 3. Use non-toxic cleaning supplies. Eco ... , which release chemical odors and gases into your house almost the second they are taken [more...]

Date: 2008-12-30 16:56:18

Controlling Mold Without Toxic Chemicals

Mold can grow anywhere there are damp conditions–from a windowsill to a bathroom, to a whole house ... r health. Mold cleaners can contain toxic chemicals such as pentachoropheno [more...]

Date: 2008-10-07 21:47:05

Using Baking Soda for Baby’s Bath, Diaper Pail, Cradle Cap, and More!

Discovering new ways to use natural, inexpensive products gives me a slightly bizarre thrill—like winning the lottery, ... and throughout your house.  The book is chock full of ways to replace potentially toxic mainstream products ... the skin. Bath toys. If you have bath toys that are prone to mildew or mold, sprinkle them with a bit [more...]

Date: 2008-10-23 03:00:10

Serious information about Mold cleaners

One of the best things about owning a new home is that new home smell. One of the best reasons to buy a new house is to start new memories ... cleaning products. Who would of known natural rust removers can destroy rust without using toxic ... their way to everyones favorites as well. Now people that have mold problems in their home are using [more...]

Date: 2008-12-12 19:21:48

Is Your House Making You Sick? Indoor Chemicals and the Depression Link!

Depression is the most common psychological disorder in the US ... for toxic chemicals. Chemicals like pentachlorophenol, a wood preservative, were found in 71 percent ... , and sleeplessness. Strong chemicals are released from new homes, household paint, household cleaners, mold [more...]

Date: 2009-01-02 03:48:49

35 Results

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california / danger of / dangerous / effects of / health effects of / how to get rid of / how to kill / mildew / non toxic mold removal / removing / [more...]

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