Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about flood clean up

Featured Change Agent: Chad Pregracke is Cleaning Up America’s Rivers

Each week, EarthFirst.com will be featuring a new ‘Change Agent’ from Changents ... , riverbottom restoration, educational workshops, Adopt-A-River-Mile and the Million Trees project ... to restore the Midwest areas that were affected by this year’s flood.  See the Chad Pregracke Changents [more...]

Date: 2008-08-30 14:02:46

Blog posts (154) | Videos (156)


The Wall Street Journal has an assessment of Probiotics in the Jan 13, 2009 issue entitled Bug Crazy: Assessing the Benefits of Probiotics (1). For some reason when I wander around the hospital on rounds people show me articles such as this and ask, so whatcha think about this? Probiotics are interesting [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 06:00:37

Stimulus Bill: $825 Billion

Wanna bet the final legislation tops $1 trillion, after more tax cuts are added to placate enough Republicans so that Obama can get 80 senators to ... Unprecedented Accountability: A historic level of transparency, oversight and accountability will help [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 22:20:51

Bruce Springsteen, Worthwhile Albums From Bruce Springsteen and More Out Soon

Thanks to FREEP.comBY MARTIN BANDYKE FREE PRESS SPECIAL WRITERThe month of January is generally not a good one when it comes to new music, as many record companies are stuck in a post-holiday lull and don’t release much of significance. Happily, that is not the case this year [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 19:47:10

Basic Emergency Food And Water Supplies

By Eric Holm Food and water are the essesntial components of any emergency preparedness plan and emergency and disaster kit ... through an emergency or disaster situations like a flood, tornado, hurricane, earthquake, fire ... not be able to have any access to clean water or food supplies even if you have a lot of money to spend [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 03:02:59

The Four Horsemen

The Four Horsemen (4HM) used to be something special.  The fight was considered the pinnacle of vanilla WoW.  It was extremely technical and it came down almost entirely to execution, not RNG or gear or dps.  The only drawback of the fight was that it required a lot of tanks and they all had to be geared pretty well [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 19:40:24


The last storm was already on the horizon when I woke that Sunday morning. It hung in the south, a solid black wall of dust, churning and seemingly motionless. I’d every intention of sleeping late into the morning, as had been my Sunday custom since Adele and the girls had left, [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 08:20:27

Wake Up!!!

Yes, I am still on a blogging sabbath.   However, since I usually write out my sermons and actually believe they are better served ( ... on.  People, many of them children, are dying when they should not be, due to lack of clean water or food [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 01:57:50

Water damage restoration services

Here is a nice review about the best water damage restoration services provider ... extraction, sewage clean-ups, crawl space drying, structural drying, basement drying, dehumidification ... , wind damage and mold remediation. This company is also offering the cleaning service that will handle [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 02:29:14

The CSI Effect

The following is reprinted from Uncle John's Unsinkable Bathroom Reader CSI's Gil Grissom - via Wikipedia FAMILIAR FORMULA If there were no ... musing that wraps everything up neatly, providing a clean slate for next week's episode. Real life [more...]

Date: 2008-12-16 07:25:45


I'VE CHOSEN TO POST ONE OF MY FAVORITE ESSAYS BY DR KING, ... WHEN IT WAS WRITTEN. I HOPE YOU APPRECIATE IT AS MUCH AS I DO!!! The World House Essay Introduction Dr. Martin ... summation of Dr. King's teachings is "The World House" chapter of his book, Where Do We Go From Here [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 02:35:05


I'VE CHOSEN TO POST ONE OF MY FAVORITE ESSAYS BY DR KING, ... WHEN IT WAS WRITTEN. I HOPE YOU APPRECIATE IT AS MUCH AS I DO!!! The World House Essay Introduction Dr. Martin ... summation of Dr. King's teachings is "The World House" chapter of his book, Where Do We Go From Here [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 02:33:16

The Most Asinine Comments Ever Uttered by Martin O’Malley

The Most Asinine Comments Ever Uttered by Martin O’Malley Posted on January 17th, 2009 by Octagon Ref Actually, the Governor has an entire notebook full, but this is over the top. The governor is either taking psychotropic drugs or Al Gore’s psychoactive Kool-Aid mix has seeped into the states water supply [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 17:16:28

Sec 377 before the Delhi High Court: A case of Judicial empathy? Arvind Narrain

Guest post by ARVIND NARRAIN Introduction The queer struggle has had a complicated relationship with the law. Nothing exemplifies this complexity better than the vexed relationship with Sec 377 of the IPC.  At various points in time, activists  have wondered whether Sec 377 is the be all and the end all of our struggle and why does it [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 06:23:56

Treading Lightly

A roundup of up-armoring, down-armoring, soft vs. hard airpower, plus news and views re Afghanistan kicks off with a Canadian Army Journal report* on the use of armor in counterinsurgency, by two-tour Afghan vet Maj. Trevor Cadieu, Lord Strathcona’s Horse: [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 13:01:42

Home Improvement Resolutions for January 2009

We decided not to make a list of New Year's Home Improvement Resolutions for 2009. Our list of uncompleted projects at the end of 2008 was just too depressing. Instead, we're going to do a month-by-month list of goals that we might reasonably be able to accomplish in a 30-day period [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 22:08:00

Recommended Property Inspections

In addition to the routine inspections that our office conducts on a regular basis, ... overhanging trees or shrubs. Smoke Detector Inspection It is ultimately the landlords responsibility to ensure that the smoke detector in the property is working correctly.  An annual inspection, clean [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 02:16:51

Donald E. Westlake, 1933-2008

Donald E. Westlake died on Wednesday night, just before the New Year, and with him died Richard Stark, as well as the no longer active writers Tucker Coe, Samuel Holt, Edwin West, John B. Allan (author of one book, the wonderfully subtitled Elizabeth Taylor: [more...]

Date: 2009-01-02 20:04:43

ADVISORY: “Air Stagnation Advisory”; Burn Ban In Effect

Late Sunday afternoon, the National Weather Service issued an “Air Stagnation Advisory, ... and the ban is cancelled.; Natural gas, propane and pellet stoves or inserts ARE allowed. No visible smoke ... . Burning of storm and flood damage debris is also prohibited [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 02:53:12

How Will We Solve The Financial Crisis? The Answer Is Bigger Than You And I

I read two interesting articles this weekend, amongst many others and lots of Twitter conversations about the inauguration festivities and the ... audit evidence.” " We're starting to see a flood of statements similar to the one above by PwC [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 13:58:00

A Matter of the Heart

One thing that I really like about creating dried flower arrangements (like this one on my bedroom mantel) is that each bud is a memory.  The peonies are from my friend Shirley's garden, which I plucked for a friend's daughter's wedding [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 19:58:29

Stimulus Package 2009: Lightning Round Reactions

The Democrats in the House of Representatives introduced legislation this week containing $825 billion in new tax credits and government spending, ... OPEC. $16 billion to repair public housing and make key energy efficiency retrofits.  I’m not seeing [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 15:30:30

DrumBeat: December 14, 2008

Global oil supply will peak in 2020, says energy agency Global oil production will peak much earlier than expected amid a collapse in petroleum investment due to the credit crunch, one of the world's foremost experts has revealed. Fatih Birol, chief economist to the International Energy Agency, [more...]

Date: 2008-12-14 14:06:53

The Top Franchise Trends For 2009

Two words will be dominating the franchise landscape for 2009: cautious optimism.   Here’s why: Marketplace Fear The gyrations of the stock market during the last quarter of 2008 have left many investors skittish. This skittishness trickles down to the financially successful 45-55 year olds, [more...]

Date: 2009-01-09 07:30:34

Food and Water Safety after a Flood

Floods are the most frequent natural hazard in North America and we seem to have had to endure quite a number of them recently ... this process. Being Prepared This brings up the issue of being prepared for a disaster. Nothing [more...]

Date: 2008-12-27 00:37:48

Terms and Conditions

Booking The sending of the on-line contact form confirms your acceptance of the terms and conditions set out below ... of the rental charge confirms your acceptance to pay for any damage of any kind caused ... damage of any kind, excessive cleaning costs or excessive use of electricity the named person [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 16:29:25

Democrats' scandals--> Payback's a B*TCH

This Blagojevich mess on top of the Charlie Rangel scandals is turning out to be a major boon to the republican party. For the last four years the democrats have been attacking the GOP as the Party of scandal. While the truth of it is that there have been enough monkey business on both sides, [more...]

Date: 2008-12-14 07:49:56

Coal waste dumps: ticking toxic time bombs

Tom Yulsman of the Center for Environmental Journalism at the University of Colorado ran the following post on the toxic nature of coal combustion ... , and that they have been steadily cleaning up their act. So in the aftermath of the spill from the TVA’ [more...]

Date: 2008-12-30 08:00:14

Gears of War 2 Combustible Map Packs Burn Up XBL

Major Nelson Has confirmed the VGA announcement and Gears of War 2 Combustible Map Packs are up on Xbox LIVE. Availability is set to all XBL zones except Germany and Japan. These three maps; Flood, Gold ... follow the break. Gears of War 2 `Combustible Map Pack` Trailer Flood is a very tight map that’ [more...]

Date: 2008-12-15 11:44:57

Determine Your Flood Damage Costs with this Tool

“Two inches of flood water can cost you $7,800.” estimates the National Flood Insurance Program established by the US Federal government ... of flood water, the cost of the damage nearly reaches $19,000. At 26 inches of flood water, you’re looking at a water damage cost of over $26,000. You’ll have to also repair your electrical system [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 17:09:22

Fox Rules with Jack Bauer and Bikini Girl

My wife, son and myself have been wrapped around the TV for four hours over the last two nights in full enjoyment over hours 8:00pm to midnight, the four-hour kick-off of this year's 24 series, which is season #7. This show freakin' rules, one of the best ever created [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 05:16:00

Sport fishing in Malaysia: still some way to go

Reflecting on 2008Anthony Geoffrey, The Star 17 Jan 09;Fishing as a sport in Malaysia still has some way to go, especially in terms of protecting fish species and numbers. When I look back on fishing in 2008, I am struck by both trepidation and awe as to what is happening in Malaysia and the region [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 08:52:00


JEWS: CHOSEN OR CURSED? From a sermon by the new-martyr Saint Cosmas the Aetolian (http://orthodoxwiki.org/Kosmas_Aitolos):   “The punishment of the Jews   In the old times, the Jews killed all the prophets, all the righteous teachers; a thousand times they left Christ and worshipped the devil, and to such an extent, [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 04:05:36

BFS #116 - Now You're Playing with Power

Memory Verse: Genesis 7:24 The water held power over the earth for 150 days.Introduction: The only witnesses to the Flood are Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives ... , water, and supplies ready. We prayed for our safety and for the safety of those around [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 14:26:00

Updater Jan. '09 | Happy New Year/Era

We're already a couple weeks into the new year, but tonight it really feels like we're on the eve of a new era. And that feels good ... at perfect flows, after a very major flood event. By Thursday night, the weekend forecasts for both [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 01:57:00

Jay Pee & Kriya Yoga in 21st Century Galveston

I have been practicing yoga for almost three years.  It is the best thing I have ever done for myself both spiritually and physically ... and out the other to clean the sinuses.  I do not swallow a 50 foot cotton swab to clean out my intestines [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 17:58:24

A Large List Of The Best Vbulletin Plugins & Mods

Many poker affiliates run communities using what we feel is the best forum software in the world, vbulletin.  I found a list of the best vbulletin plugins, and I feel compelled to share.  I guaruntee this should keep you busy for hours. Most of these mods and plugins can be found at Vbulletin.org [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 01:38:58

Volunteers will help residents clean up flood-damage homes this weekend

This weekend, teams of volunteers will be fanning out to neighborhoods heavily damaged by last week's floods to help residents clean up their homes ... anyone interested in helping to join the clean-up effort. Volunteers should bring gloves and boots [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 21:25:01

The Coming Mexican Bailout

Timothy Birdnow According to a report in Newsmax, U.S. military officials are warning that Mexico could collapse ... failed to realize is that sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, and so Mexico has had a flood [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 14:26:07

Post #24: The Greenness of Hope

Post #24: The Greenness of Hope January 19th, 2009 Posted in Basic Green, Green Acts | No Comments » January 19, ... . Well, we can hope. . A few days ago, House Democrats introduced the American Recovery ... and environmental restoration investments; •    $10 [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 05:06:13

NFL Secret Santa! Jamboroo, Week 17 [Jamboroo]

Drew’s Jamboroo runs every Thursday. Buy his book here. Email Drew here. Read him at KSK. Merry Christmas, everyone! ... : The Bible In Contemporary Language From: Tom Coughlin To: Plaxico Burress Gift: Kevlar long johns [more...]

Date: 2008-12-25 14:25:37

Pure Exhaustion

Haha, today was an extremely tiring day at ISB. Okay, about my volunteer time at ISB. How that started was that umm.. ... , clean things up, organise things, pass around messages, make phone calls, book rooms [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 09:26:00

The David Miliband inauguration speech

Montage of Miliband Inauguration - adapted from Flickr / CC images from quasistoic and timbradshaw I sat listening to Obama’s inauguration speech thinking: oh for a European politician capable of something similar! [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 09:04:04

jv16 PowerTools 2009 RC1/ jv16 PowerTools 2008

jv16 PowerTools is a complete Windows optimization and registry cleaning toolkit. The program allows users to remove hidden traces of previously uninstalled software, to clean ... and COM/DCOM registrations jv16 PowerTools 2008 can: • Automatically clean your Windows registry [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 17:10:52

Massive Clean-up on Oahu and Kauai

The west sides of Oahu and Kauai were some of the areas hardest hit from the recent storm. Massive clean-up is underway. To say his home is a mess is an understatement. Flood waters from the recent storm got into every... [more...]

Date: 2008-12-14 21:37:10

December Book Club: WHEN THE ELEPHANTS DANCE, by Tess Uriza Holthe

Welcome to the December Book Club Meeting!Today, we're honored to have Tess Uriza Holthe, author (most recently) ... in the cellar of a house a few miles from Manila. Outside the safety of their little refuge the war [more...]

Date: 2008-12-01 18:22:00

The Theophany of Christ!

The Theophany of ChristTheophany / BogoyavlenieCommemorated on January 6Theophany / Bogoyavlenie denotes the feast whereby through the Baptism of the Lord the MostHoly Trinity has been revealed to the world (Mt. 3: 13-17; Mk. 1: 9-11;  Lk. 3: 21-22). God the Father spoke from Heaven about the Son, [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 13:02:11


"You've been sick, but you're better now, and there's work to be done ... up the fundies? Get over it. Allow a great city to be destroyed by storm, flood, and chaos? Get over it.I [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 05:43:00

Bad News, then Good News for Israel

Bad News, then Good News for Israel January 18th, 2009 Jerusalem COGwriter The following two news items were of interest–note that the second ... , located in approximately 5,500 feet of water, was drilled to a total depth of 16,076 feet [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 06:12:32

History of the Streets of Bandar Seri Begawan

[My article below on the history of the streets of Brunei was published in Brunei Times last Sunday ... arrived in Brunei to begin his official duty, he stated that he '... wanted a clean dry village [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 22:05:00

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