Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about room addition plans

The Gaza Bloodbath

Separating the Truth from the Hype By MIKE WHITNEY | Counterpunch, Jan 6, 2009In a rare moment of honesty, the New York Times divulged the real motive behind the bombardment and invasion of Gaza. In Ethan Bronner’s article, “Israel Weighs Goal: Ending Hamas Rule, Rocket fire, or Both”, Israeli Vice Premier Haim Ramon said, [more...]

Date: 2009-01-07 11:19:24

Blog posts (553) | Videos (26)

Daily Dose: 11/12/08

»Asian Market Report »Six Asian Am. and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions Receive Grants »Robbers Take Thousands From a Bus ... Energy Assistance »D.A. Harris Plans Run for Attorney General »Joint API Legislative Caucus ... to their exceptional five-year plans that address the specific needs of Asian American and Pacific [more...]

Date: 2008-11-12 21:43:24

Here Come Broadband TVs

Ever since I sat down with Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix, at our NewTeeVee Live conference this past November, I have a new-found appreciation for the Los Gatos, Calif.-based company and its plans to capture ... on Demand at the click of a button on the remote control. In addition to these new broadband-enabled [more...]

Date: 2009-01-05 05:01:07


This piece originally appeared at Pajamas Media This past Wednesday morning at 8:15 AM in Hiroshima, Japan, it was partly cloudy and 78 degrees with light winds. Visibility was about 10 miles. A bell softly rang in the immaculately kept Peace Memorial Park, remembering the moment in 1945 when the atomic age was born [more...]

Date: 2008-08-13 15:05:17

Will Shai Agassi’s Better Place Become a Reality?

Shai Agassi, brilliant Technion graduate, entrepreneur, founder of Top Tier Software (sold to SAP) ... . The stations are weather proof, and handle the same current as a standard wall outlet. In addition ... the driver pulls into a living room sized station, and waits for several minutes while his battery [more...]

Date: 2008-12-01 12:53:53

The IMF's Outlook

From Chapter 1 of the IMF World Economic Outlook, released today: The world economy is now entering a major downturn in the face of the most dangerous shock in mature financial markets since the 1930s. Against an exceptionally uncertain background, global growth projections for 2009 have been marked down to 3 percent, the slowest pace since 2002, [more...]

Date: 2008-10-08 17:07:51

Few Property Renovation Tips

by katie George Property Renovation is great fun. In recent years, this trend has grown more and more as people are buying cheap properties, then doing some value addition with renovation and then selling it off. One can earn a nice profit ... to converting storage room to bedrooms. You can buy books that help you in your property renovation [more...]

Date: 2008-12-22 14:20:55

Happy July 3rd!

This morning it finally dawned on me we're about to have a three-day holiday weekend because I got an actual real bonafide parking spot at the park ... while they try to sleep") and cleaning the house (I have dustballs that have dustballs) and visiting ... cut it in valley summers for weekend wear. I do have grubby clothes for pulling weeds and cleaning [more...]

Date: 2008-07-03 18:17:09


Bionic Commando: Rearmed and Street Fighter Alpha Available Today on the PSN! - BCR: As difficult as you remember, but much prettier. PLAYSTATION Store Update - Starring BCR, SFA, and 4 demos. Burnout Paradise - coming to PSN - Soon, no disc required! PLAYSTATION Store Video Content Update - Scores of new shows movies to watch this weekend [more...]

Date: 2008-08-14 19:56:18

Freshwater Day 13: A Parade of Teachers & Staff

I was unable to attend Day 13 of the hearing. A water pipe froze overnight and I spent my day dealing with that. However, two spectators at the hearing were kind enough to send me their notes on the day’s testimony, and I’ve lightly edited them to produce this account. In addition, there are stories in Mt [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 04:46:45

Will Solar Save Chip Companies?

As the semiconductor industry prepares to post a rare drop in revenues, with another decline expected next year, ... , Hemlock Semiconductor announced plans for a $3 billion expansion of its polysilicon production, mainly ... called SolarMagic. Semiconductor Manufacturing International announced plans to make polysilicon [more...]

Date: 2009-01-06 08:00:17

PlanetEye: A Site to Simplify Your Travel Planning

PlanetEye.com, a travel site powered by Microsoft's World Wide Media eXchange (WWMX) technology, launched today ... professional sources, providing you with detailed reviews about the area you plan on visiting. In addition ... information you clip as a list or a personalized map. After putting together your travel plans [more...]

Date: 2008-07-10 10:08:17

Zionists in America, A to Z

I hope it's okay with Malooga and Bernhard at MofA, but I'm posting this entire piece. It's very, very long, and you'll probably need to spend some hours both reading it and following its links... but this is the essential information we all need to master in confronting the racist and malignant movement known as Zionism [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 19:16:00

Dashing Through the Snow

This month, we’re pleased to have Molly Wangsgaard join us in the Diet Blog as our Featured Guest Blogger ... your physical activity plans fall by the wayside.  During these busy days, when you don’t think you have time ... her dogs, hiking with her boyfriend Tom or horsing around with the kids. In addition to these fun [more...]

Date: 2008-12-23 15:26:36

Fun House

Attaching the term “underground” to a New York venue or activity is a futile declaration, ... with fabric,” she explains. yes_hula In addition to these DIY sessions, the original House of Yes ... at venues like the Pussycat Lounge, Galapagos, Spiegeltent and Southpaw, in addition to accepting [more...]

Date: 2008-12-02 11:12:23

Last Quarter's Fundamentals...

Weren't as strong as some of us thought. I was surprised; so were market observers. From Bloomberg: U.S ... investment plans on hold, builders have scaled back and credit markets have seized up. Economists ... now that we are in a recession, and it's a recession that still has some room to run." ... I was surprised [more...]

Date: 2008-09-27 05:34:36

From A Buyer’s Perspective, The World Is Their Oyster

The Denver Post reports from Colorado. “While there are plenty of resale and foreclosure options out there, ... In response, the 50-year-old company, one of the nation’s largest homebuilders, is downsizing floor plans ... homebuilders are enticing buyers with brand-new smaller and less expensive homes. Floor-plan sizes [more...]

Date: 2008-11-16 17:33:07

Wake Up Call

It’s very hard for me to get myself out of bed in the morning. For most of my life I thought I was just Lazy ( ... in different ways so that I can never quite tell what time it is exactly unless I go into the living room ... ). The iPod deck is a new addition to this insanity [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 15:04:27

Empey, Cameron, Bob Dylan and Wuthering Heights

It appears that everyone has an opinion on the link up between the Conservative party and the UUP. It may represent a “frame shift” in the DNA of local politics. However, we have had momentous changes redefining politics in Northern Ireland on a number of previous occasions. The Alliance party broke the mould and changed voting forever ( [more...]

Date: 2008-12-13 00:10:16

WRITING: TEOTWAWKI fiction — Chapter Eighty Six – Rest in Peace

It happened in Church - October 19, 1962 Chapter Eighty Six - Rest in Peace Friday Nov 24 (begins) Early Morn It seemed like he had just drifted off to sleep. There was a quiet scratching at the door. He roused himself and walked to the door. At the door was that pesky sergeant, Aunt Marion, and the General’s wife Quietly, the Sergeant said to him: [more...]

Date: 2008-08-23 20:49:38

The Fundamentals

Jeff Caplan of the Forth Worth Star-Telegram:  “Before the start of tonight’s finale to the Dallas Mavericks’ seven-game homestand, Dirk Nowitzki might find himself the recipient of the Western Conference’s player of the week award for a second consecutive week and third time in four weeks. His numbers are becoming mind-numbing [more...]

Date: 2008-12-15 15:48:29

Adjusting the Local Picture - The Online Video Opportunity

There is no question that online video is hot. YouTube has standardized and popularized it while broadband penetration has enabled it. Users love it, advertisers are starting to love it more and more, and now search engines love it too. Video’s attractiveness as an ad medium has grown with the knowledge that it can be used as a hook to gain [more...]

Date: 2008-09-13 20:11:19

Now,, That's What We Call Border Security

As Noah Shactman at the Danger Room notes, the U.S. government has been trying (with marginal success) to implement "high-tech" surveillance systems along our southern border. Current plans call ... . Last May, Boeing announced plans to revamp the prototype, and it's still unclear how much we'll pay [more...]

Date: 2008-12-08 18:53:00

The Compleat Tour de Basement: Weight Training for Cyclists

There are some who feel that weight training is a waste of time for cyclists and the limited scientific studies carried out so far have had mixed results as to whether pumping iron makes you faster. There are fears that the possible addition ... the metabolism for a much longer period. In addition, having more strength means you will burn [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 00:18:57

Carl Drega, Part II

I wrote this some years ago, 11 September 2002, on the first anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, and e-mailed it to myself. It has to do with another terrorist attack. Not the one on New York and Washington; an attack on another town. The events I'm talking about took place on 19 August 1997. Later I posted the letter in our newsgroup over at sff [more...]

Date: 2008-08-19 20:24:51

Property Buying for Home Renovation continued

But whatever you do, don’t underestimate the cost of renovation. It is a labour intensive business and labour costs money ... of the building - including the replacement of windows - require plans to be drawn and passed by the local ... if you have to live for months moving from room to room, breathing in dust and paint fumes and stepping [more...]

Date: 2008-12-05 00:35:15

The Choice Has Been Made, but the Consequences Don't Have to be the Same

America made a decision about two months ago. We all got together--or, actually, about 63 percent of us got together--and unfortunately decided that we wanted a nanny state and would march forth, hand-in-hand and foot-in-mouth, toward totalitarianism. In 1964, America faced a similar choice between Barry Goldwater and Lyndon Johnson [more...]

Date: 2009-01-02 18:13:43

Swanky Paper Puts Quality Back Into Stationery

Although many people may try to tell you that the internet killed the old fashioned letter, that’s just simply not true. Many people still get out their pens and stationery to write short notes or letters to friends. It’s because of them that wonderful businesses like Swanky Paper are able to do so well [more...]

Date: 2008-10-01 04:41:34

Ghost of the Christmas Present

The UK is in recession but Christmas is never about money.The Independent features an excellent analysis of Christmas. This is what it says of it "The evolution of Christmas from a pagan Saturnalia to a two-week, semi-Christian, commercial free-for-all is a complex story, but the 1840s were a crucial part of it [more...]

Date: 2008-12-22 10:09:00

Alan Knowles, Haywood Securities: Finding that Elusive Bottom

Source: The Energy Report Haywood Senior Oil and Gas Analyst Alan Knowles says we haven’t seen a bottom yet, advising investors to watch the large companies when the market strengthens again. Meanwhile, demand continues to slide as OPEC plays catch up on a series of announced production cuts [more...]

Date: 2009-01-05 15:31:26

The Political Economy of Media (Part II) by Stephen Lendman

Dandelion Salad by Stephen Lendman Global Research June 27, 2008 Review of Robert McChesney’s book McChesney’s book is a compilation of his best political economy of media work in the past two decades. It contains 23 separate offerings under three topic headings. In them he covers “enduring issues” and “emerging dilemmas [more...]

Date: 2008-06-28 02:15:42

Pet Advice - Pet News - Pet Photos

Stop Your Pet From Peeving You OffDr. Debbye Turner Bell - CBS Morning ShowEach new year, we make resolutions to break bad habits, but what about our furry family members?Sometimes their behavior can be destructive and annoying. So what can you do?We all love our dogs and cats and think they are the smartest creatures on earth [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 13:08:00

My Predictions for 2009… and What I Got Wrong in 2008

Hi Guys, Happy New Year! It’s been a while since we last caught up. I hope you are well and that you had a wonderful holiday and a very happy New Year. I was on vacation for the holidays. We had a terrific break. We took our three boys to Disney World. What a treat! We go once a year usually around President’s Day weekend [more...]

Date: 2009-01-06 21:43:37

Mashable’s Guide to Conferences and Events

Here’s Mashable’s latest round-up of upcoming Web 2.0 events, parties, and conferences. Not on this list? Contact us and let’s establish a media sponsorship. July 2, 2008: We’re right smack in the middle of summer in San Francisco. It’s the perfect time for an old-fashioned Big Summer Geek Out! [more...]

Date: 2008-06-30 13:25:01

What Does the FBI Internal Complaint Tell Us?

Of course, no one can actually answer the title question. And that's ok. Some of my math teachers used to say, "The answer isn't as important as how you got there." I feel that way about this post.Intro - My ApproachThe best we can do is outline the facts (as they've been presented and we've experienced) [more...]

Date: 2009-01-03 06:52:00

Venice Biennale of Architecture: Hyperhabitat. Reprogramming the World

The Arsenale section of the Venice Biennale of Architecture has many characteristics that makes it stand out from other architecture exhibitions. One of them is that you won't get to see cardboard models and plans. In fact, you can even walk ... do not stop at the room level, objects also communicate with the whole building and can even interact [more...]

Date: 2008-10-21 07:37:10

'09 Class adds two, shines bright over weekend

If you do the math, there are still another eight spots to fill in the University of Miami's 2009 football signing class. Which means there is still ample room to add some of the nation's top future college football ... . But his addition to UM's class gives the Canes its most special defensive player and someone I truly [more...]

Date: 2009-01-05 05:48:01

Scottsdale: Reader Review :: The Four Seasons Scottsdale is Just Right

MaMaison Riverside Hotel in Prague. Over in Europe, we just realized there are two hotel chains that have very similar names--MaMaison and MalMaison. The latter we are familiar with as we have written about their funky boutique hotels (one is out of an old jailhouse) located all over the UK. But MaMaison had us intrigued [more...]

Date: 2008-07-30 15:36:06

Behind the Navy's Stealth Destroyer Shuffle

Last month the Navy decided to cut its $5-billion-a-copy DDG-1000 stealth destroyer (pictured) ... of the new Burkes. Follow? To make sense of the confusion, DANGER ROOM spoke to naval analyst Bob Work ... important trials while other BMD weapons are stuck in testing limbo. In addition to the looming [more...]

Date: 2008-08-25 12:00:04

Democracy or Police State? by Tom Burghardt

Dandelion Salad by Tom Burghardt Global Research, September 21, 2008Antifascist Calling… New Lawsuit Targets Bush, Cheney, ... has previously reported on many occasions, the telecommunications giant had constructed a secret room (SG3 Secure Room, room number 641A) for the exclusive use of the National Security Agency’s spying [more...]

Date: 2008-09-22 04:45:33

No Audit of Obama Campaign Finances and Spending?

Robert Malley was dispatched last week as an Obama envoy to Syria and Egypt. Today’s Ynet report provides more certainty, providing quotes from Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh’s political advisor… Ahmad Yousuf… that the President-elect’s advisory team has been in contact with Hamas both via the Internet, and with the hush hush meeting in Gaza [more...]

Date: 2008-11-11 16:56:46

The Nightowl Newswrap

Sunny von Bulow passes away The sad saga of Sunny von Bulow ended today in a nursing home in New York when she died after spending the last 28 years ... in a motel room and secretly videotaping the encounter. "From the inception of Atlantic City ... up on and handed down from one generation to the next." In addition to the crushing economic slump [more...]

Date: 2008-12-07 08:33:13

DrumBeat: January 16, 2009

Venezuela Says $70 Oil Needed to Maintain Investments (Bloomberg) -- Oil prices need to rise to about $70 a barrel to sustain investment in fields and avoid shortages, Venezuelan Energy and Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez said. The South American country is discussing prices with other members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 13:53:03

The Fundamentals

Jason Quick of The Oregonian:  “There is one line I would like to take back, where I said ‘I can’t stand to be around’ Oden. I think a more accurate reflection of my feelings would have been to say ‘I’m sick of dealing with the entity of Greg Oden.’ The entity of Oden is the media mosh pits around him [more...]

Date: 2008-12-12 15:39:26

An engine that runs on water?

A Japanese company, Genepax, has announced and demonstrated a new fuel cell system that runs on water. No, really. Some links: From Reuters India: Tired of petrol prices rising daily at the pump? A Japanese company has invented an electric-powered, and environmentally friendly, car that it says runs solely on water [more...]

Date: 2008-06-13 15:26:05

Dish on Dining: La Mar

A Continuing Lesson in Peruvian CuisinePier 1 1/2, San FranciscoAlong the EmbarcaderoPH: 415.397.8880Open daily for lunch, 11:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m ... ’s first U.S. outpost for celebrity chef Gastón Acurio, who plans an empire of cebicherias around the globe. (Along with his restaurant in Peru, he has plans to open a La Mar in Mexico, Chile [more...]

Date: 2009-01-07 15:03:00

Lehman Brothers: Are Employees the Poison Pill?

Lehman Brothers Holdings, whose shares rallied comfortably today although they are still down 69% for the year, plans to give its employees additional stock–20% of their 2007 bonuses–as a retention tool to keep ... as an independent firm. That is the same message Lehman wants to send now. In addition, Lehman typically [more...]

Date: 2008-07-02 12:30:00

7 Quick Takes - Dec. 12th

Read other bloggers' "Quick Takes" at Jen's blog.A glimpse of life this past week... 1 ... handy and they'll go to town. After a quick trip to the Arts & Crafts store, I am armed and ready ... us - I think she has a second home! Yesterday, I saw a cat sitting in the window of a neighbor's house [more...]

Date: 2008-12-12 13:26:00

Cruises to The Bahamas or Caribbean Make Great Vacations

Cruises to The Bahamas or Caribbean Make Great Vacations by Fred Ibenshaus Although one-day cruises are a great way to get away for the day for a ... . It may not be as crowded as on the weekend. In addition, you will probably not have to book so far ... as much as it affects our travel plans. So, use this to your advantage and choose a cruise during [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 09:03:05

How Will Carol Bartz Feel About Consorting with the Press?

And now, putting shivers into executives and managers everywhere, the words, "let's do a reassessment ... companies want their hugely important Yahoo Consortium ad plans dropped onto ... . In addition, there are now more than three dozen sites up on the APT ad platform -- the first two [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 04:51:03

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