Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about kill mold

Anti Chefs Part 2

voir la vidéoTwo chefs from the other side of the tracks go through all the struggles of the competitive world of catering. Life-long best friends, Beau and Marcus, try to break the mold of the typical caterers, stay true to their North Carolina roots, and perform at the highest quality despite the odds being stacked against them -- all while trying not to kill each other. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 32
Added : 01/07/08 16:05
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Bread: Part One

voir la vidéoAn experiement to see what happens to a slice of bread when it's left in my room to fester for a whole month. The next update will be with you in about 30 day's time, dependant on whether I can be arsed to photograph bread anymore, or not... And it had damn well better rot or I'm going to kill someone! [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 45
Added : 28/01/08 17:47
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Hitler the Red Nosed Nazi ©

voir la vidéoHitler The Red Nosed Nazi ©2008 of Madrohn Hitler the Red Nosed Nazi, had a very hatred soul. If you have ever saw it, you would even say it had mold. all of the other countries, use to laugh and call him names, they never let poor Hitler, join in any killing games.Then one foggy Hannukah Eve, Hitler came to say, Hitler with your soul so dead, why not kill the jews instead. Then all the Nazis loved him, as they shouted out with glee, Hitler the red nosed nazi, you go down in history [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 55
Added : 07/12/08 02:21
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Federal Aristocratic Gaymerz

voir la vidéoA heartwarming story of two best friends that happen to be on spy missions together. Take a journey with them on their many random, funny, and heartwarming collages. Your heart will shrivel up and mold and come out your nose into the ocean where it will be eaten by great white sharks. (watch it in high quality!) [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 10 min
Added : 09/11/08 00:37
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The President's Analyst: The Cerebrum Communicator

voir la vidéoA salient clip from one of my favorite James Coburn films: "The President's Analyst." http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062153/ It's important to understand that this forty year old movie presaged many things which have come to pass. Finally available on DVD, I consider this clip to be little more than an advertisement for a fine classic film. ;) [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 11
Added : 03/12/06 10:38
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Don't Kill That Roach

voir la vidéoA three-inch hissing cockroach isn't everybody's idea of the perfect pet. But bug-lovers who own Madagascar hissing roaches--or touch them at the petting zoos where they're becoming fixtures--should be aware that the insects can trigger mold allergies, according to Ohio State research. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 24
Added : 19/03/08 20:06
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Bacteria, viruses, mould - ultraviolet gadget

voir la vidéoGrace Filby, a Winston Churchill Fellow, visited Beatrice when she had another ear infection and discovered that she already has exactly the right personal air-conditioning unit to combat bacteria, mould and viruses in the immediate environment. See http://www.relax-well.co.uk/Multimedia.html [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 21
Added : 08/09/08 18:29
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Horrible Job

voir la vidéoSpraying underneath a big old house to kill woodworm, mould, fungus etc. Had to crawl most of the time, imagining that hands were gonna come out of the ground and pull me under like some Amityville horror scene - some of the spiders looked big enough to do that! [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 48
Added : 16/11/08 14:59
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Suikoden (Part 31) - Gremio's Demise

voir la vidéoAs we attempt to escape with Liukan, Milich himself catches our group in a trap. He releases human-eating mold spores that devour humans. Because of this, Gremio forces everyone out of the room and closes the switch by himself. The spores kill Gremio but save the rest of the party. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 33
Added : 15/09/07 20:53
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voir la vidéoIt cost $65,000 to get rid of the flies. Home owner battles sewer drain moth flies for three years. The flies fly around the home every day, every week, every month. The flies never go away. Pest companies cannot kill the flies. Plumbers cannot kill the flies. Pesticides cannot kill the flies. Finally, $65,000. Later the flies are gone. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 7 min 34
Added : 21/09/08 05:18
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