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AJ Restoration

voir la vidéoNeed someone at your door in 30 minutes? Serving Palm Beach County, AJ Restoration gets an emergency team out to stop flood and fire damage and clean up your home. They extract water, they dry buildings and remedy mold. For non-emergencies, cleaning experts use powerful, state-of-the-art equipment to clean any surface, leaving it spotless. Call for your free estimate. Visit us http://www.yellowpages.com/info-BS320277480/AJ-Restoration [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 45
Added : 09/11/08 08:56
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Videos (105) | Blog posts (170)

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BBC - Art of Spain 1 - The Moorish South 4/6

voir la vidéoAndrew Graham-Dixon in this series explores the Art of Spain, Art produced on account of the confluence of different cultures and religions & regional strife. 'The Moorish South' deals with the period in Spanish history when Spain was essentially an Islamic country. This would lead to the development of some spectacular Islamic yet uniquely Spanish buildings, that would leave its mark on Spain and mould Spanish sensibilities for time to come. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 10 min 02
Added : 06/08/08 19:44
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BBC - Art of Spain 1 - The Moorish South 3/6

voir la vidéoAndrew Graham-Dixon in this series explores the Art of Spain, Art produced on account of the confluence of different cultures and religions & regional strife. 'The Moorish South' deals with the period in Spanish history when Spain was essentially an Islamic country. This would lead to the development of some spectacular Islamic yet uniquely Spanish buildings, that would leave its mark on Spain and mould Spanish sensibilities for time to come. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 36
Added : 06/08/08 19:30
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BBC - Art of Spain 1 - The Moorish South 1/6

voir la vidéoAndrew Graham-Dixon in this series explores the Art of Spain, Art produced on account of the confluence of different cultures and religions & regional strife. 'The Moorish South' deals with the period in Spanish history when Spain was essentially an Islamic country. This would lead to the development of some spectacular Islamic yet uniquely Spanish buildings, that would leave its mark on Spain and mould Spanish sensibilities for time to come. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 42
Added : 06/08/08 18:59
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BBC - Art of Spain 1 - The Moorish South 6/6

voir la vidéoAndrew Graham-Dixon in this series explores the Art of Spain, Art produced on account of the confluence of different cultures and religions & regional strife. 'The Moorish South' deals with the period in Spanish history when Spain was essentially an Islamic country. This would lead to the development of some spectacular Islamic yet uniquely Spanish buildings, that would leave its mark on Spain and mould Spanish sensibilities for time to come. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 32
Added : 06/08/08 20:12
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BBC - Art of Spain 1 - The Moorish South 2/6

voir la vidéoAndrew Graham-Dixon in this series explores the Art of Spain, Art produced on account of the confluence of different cultures and religions & regional strife. 'The Moorish South' deals with the period in Spanish history when Spain was essentially an Islamic country. This would lead to the development of some spectacular Islamic yet uniquely Spanish buildings, that would leave its mark on Spain and mould Spanish sensibilities for time to come. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 45
Added : 06/08/08 19:14
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BBC - Art of Spain 1 - The Moorish South 5/6

voir la vidéoAndrew Graham-Dixon in this series explores the Art of Spain, Art produced on account of the confluence of different cultures and religions & regional strife. 'The Moorish South' deals with the period in Spanish history when Spain was essentially an Islamic country. This would lead to the development of some spectacular Islamic yet uniquely Spanish buildings, that would leave its mark on Spain and mould Spanish sensibilities for time to come. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 39
Added : 06/08/08 19:58
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West Glebe Ave part 3

voir la vidéoThis is around the back into the crawl space, I thought Jaba the Hut lived down here. Very musty smelling. The wall facing rear of building is very damp, also the wall facing stone parking lot very damp. We have found mold spores in the air above levels unsafe for me to live in, I think that there is more in the air, Heavy Gasses, Radon, I have no idea, but I do know the air is impossible to breath. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 6 min 05
Added : 20/12/08 14:24
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We solve your Mold problems with Mold Solutions,

voir la vidéoMold can develop in days if the conditions are right. Moisture, heat, no air circulation, no light, and a materials that absorbs moisture can become mold infested in days. The key is to dry out all water. The proper way to quickly dry out floods are using dehumdifiers and blowers. Improper drying efforts may leave moisture in the building material and mold growth may be the result after leaks and moisture intrusion. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min
Added : 10/12/07 01:59
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Rob Hess Runs Away from Homeless Families

voir la vidéoIn this clip MY9 news looks at a building where homeless families have been housed in the Highbridge Section of the Bronx. Backed up toilets, broken windows, broken floors, lead and toxic mold. When confronted by the reporter - NYC Homeless Services Commissioner literally runs away - ducking into a tinted towncar and refusing to answer questions. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min
Added : 30/05/07 22:42
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