Tony DeFrank

Rank: 2591 / 3177

2 selected videos

McCulloch MC1275 Portable Steam Cleaner

Put this heavy-duty professional quality steam cleaner to work in your garage. A variety of attachments are included, and the sturdy unit produces loads of steam to cut through varying degrees of grime and grease. Holds 48oz of water, heats to 200° F in eight minutes. Weighs 10.5lb. Available at California Car Cover.

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Related topics : professional steam cleaner / work a steam cleaner

McCulloch MC1245 Handheld Rotary Steamer

How clean can you really get without chemicals? Let this McCulloch steamer show you! The rotary action head produces plentiful steam to deep clean a wide variety of surfaces. The durable steam cleaner heats water to over 200 degrees Fahrenheit to sanitize sans harsh chemicals, and the assortment of attachments ensures proper cleaning of just about anything. You'll get 2 detail nylon brushes, an oversize nylon brush, a scouring scrub pad, and a cone brush along with a water treatment cartridge...

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